Château Vial is a chateau in the hills to the north of Kpalimé, in the Kloto prefecture of Togo. It was built by the French in the early 1940s and consists of a main building and a tower. The building is owned by the Togolese government and is used for cabinet meetings. (Wikipedia)


Château Vial joka tästä lähtien tunnetaan Villa Karo Kpaliména!
Château Vial in Togo


Villa Karo is a Finnish-African cultural centre located in the village of Grand-Popo, Benin in West Africa. The purpose of the centre is to improve the awareness and to promote the cooperation between Finnish and African artists and researchers, as well as to support the cultural contacts between Finland and Benin. ( and Wikipedia)


So any rumors about a new residency can be considered as April Fools! We warmly welcome you to visit our center in Grand-Popo, Benin. For more information You can find from our web-page! Next deadline for the applications is 15th September 2015 for the spring 2016 residencies.

Have a nice Easter!