Kuukausi: joulukuu 2011

Afrikkalainen iltapäivä – African Afternoon in Helsinki 14.1.2012

Musiikkia Beninistä Taiteen vaihtolavalla!

Afrikkalainen iltapäivä -konsertissa Aristide de Souza tarjoaa talven taitteeseen lämpimät terveiset Beninistä. Hän esittää sekä perinteistä beniniläistä että improvisoitua musiikkia. Aristide soittaa balafonea, djembeä, laulaa ja tanssii. Mukana musisoimassa ovat myös Franck Koumolou (djembe, laulu), Maija Karhinen-Ilo (laulu) ja mahdollisesti muitakin yllätysesiintyjiä.

Lauantai 14.1. klo 15
Taiteen vaihtolava
Fleminginkatu 21

Liput 10e
Tilaan mahtuu rajoitettu määrä; varaa lippusi siis ennakkoon!
Lippuvaraukset ja lisätiedot: 0400-392071, tainamakiiso@hotmail.com

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A Crash Course in Beninese French: Part III

You go to a restaurant. You spend quality time with your friends, you have a lovely dish of grilled barracuda with some wine. After eating, you ask for the check and you pay. When you get your change you ask for the toilets. And as the waitress wants to know whether you “wanna piss or take a shit” you suddenly realise that you are very far away from the images of a travel agency’s advertisement. Yes, you are in real …

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Merry Christmas! – Joyeux Noël ! – Hyvää joulua!

Only two days until Christmas! We asked a few people from Villa Karo and Grand Popo how they will celebrate the holidays this year.

Villa Karo normally arranges a Christmas dinner for the staff, their families, scholars and their friends. Everybody gathers together in the hall of Lissa Gbassa in the evening of 24th December. In a Finnish fashion, Christmas ham or “porc braisé” is served – but also fish for those who don’t eat meat.

This year some …

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Visit at the Museum: ”Le petit musée de la Villa Karo”

As some people already know, Villa Karo has a small museum collection, created by Juha Vakkuri and Matti-Juhani Karila and first opened to public in 2001.

The objects in the collection bring together, in many different ways, West African and European or Finnish traditions and histories. The collection illustrates traditional African beliefs, especially vodun, but also the ways how Christianity and colonialism have influenced West African countries and people – and the ways how for example Finnish nature-based religions bear …

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