Kuukausi: helmikuu 2012

Femmes d’Afrique

Milja Viita oli stipendiaattina Villa Karossa viime keväänä ja matkalla sai alkunsa kaksi videoinstallaatiota. Femme d’Afrique on nähtävissä täällä ja Coriolis on esillä Muu-galleriassa Helsingissä ensi viikon sunnuntaihin (eli 4. maaliskuuta) saakka. Suosittelen lämpimästi!

Last spring Milja Viita spent a month in Villa Karo. During the trip two of her new video installations were born. They both depict the lives of African women: everyday lives of women in villages near Grand-Popo and the lives of two sisters who are separated

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These two words are sufficient to keep alive a generation. Before computer era the world was as natural as ever, post men were happy to ride and distribute mails here and there, ships and planes made brisk business but this was subverted by invention of computer and internet. Western world and industrialized nations rapidly grew with these new technologies that bade farewell to an older generation.

Despite great unemployment created by this innovation, the world seems to be happy. Back …

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Economic measures announced by the Nigerian Government to impregnate sanity in public finances also provoked total instability in neighboring countries. On the 9th of January, the Federal Government of Nigeria announced subsidy suspension on petroleum products which resulted in price increase of petrol, a controversial decision taken and aired during a nationwide radio and television broadcast by President Goodluck Jonathan became a point of discord between Nigerian and her population. Few hours later strike action was pronounced by various Nigerians …

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A Lunch Box Full of Identity

This used to be my snack box when I started at the Maternelle of the Ecole de Jeanne d’Arc, in Marseille, as a three-year-old, sometime in September 1986. I know this because the teachers gave each of us kids a special sign before we learned to write and read our names. The sign helped us to recognize our own things among the belongings of 40 or 50 other children. My sign was still visible on the cover of …

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