Avainsana: Le petit musée de la Villa Karo

Uusi Akpé eli Villa Karon kulttuurilehti on saapunut!

Lue lehti täällä!


Linnea Olamo & Kwassi Akpladokou:
Pääkirjoitukset 3-4
Melanie Orenius:
Språklerbad 6
Charlotte Bärlund:
Villa Karon syksy 8
Ympäristöprojekti 11
Vilma Pimenoff:
Hämmentynyt hurmioitunut yovo 13
Villa Karoon lähtijät 15
Matti-Juhani Karila:
Bonjour Monsieur! 16
Markus Nummi:
Aaltojen opetuksia 17
Juha Vakkuri:
Pankista pienoismuseoksi 21
Markku Valkonen:
Haiti ja voodoo 24
Matti-Juhani Karila:
Haastattelussa herra Sunnuntai 28…

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New Exhibition in the Petit musée de la Villa Karo!

May was a month of hard work as we renewed the exhibition of the Petit musée in Villa Karo, and here it is! Ready to welcome visitors right away when Villa Karo opens it’s doors again in the end of August!

Tintti Timonen and I did the design based on Soile Rinno’s prior exhibitions; carpenters and painters repaired the interior and the furniture designed by Tina Lotila for the first exhibition in 2002; and finally together with Georgette Singbe

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Visit at the Museum: ”Le petit musée de la Villa Karo”

As some people already know, Villa Karo has a small museum collection, created by Juha Vakkuri and Matti-Juhani Karila and first opened to public in 2001.

The objects in the collection bring together, in many different ways, West African and European or Finnish traditions and histories. The collection illustrates traditional African beliefs, especially vodun, but also the ways how Christianity and colonialism have influenced West African countries and people – and the ways how for example Finnish nature-based religions bear …

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