Research Center



Villa Karo Research Center was established in the courtyard of Villa Karo.



The research center opens and is put into operation. Read Helsingin Sanomat’s article here. The first study to be carried out at VKRC is a joint project between Scandinavian Biopharma and the University of Helsinki, the project studies the ETEC bacterium. The study brings about 800 volunteers to Grand-Popo who are testing the ETVAX vaccine.

Laboratoriopöytä, henkilöllä n siniset muovihanskat käsissä. Pöydällä on paljon laisisia esineitä.
Picture: Hans von Schantz (2017)
(c) Hans von Schantz
Pöydällä on muovipusseja, sininen kassi täynnä kamaa.
Picture: Nina Winquist (2017)
(c) Hans von Schantz
Kaksi naista on oven äärellä. Yhdellä on valkoinen asu ja toisella vaaleanpunainen paita.
Picture: Hans von Schantz (2017)
(c) Hans von Schantz


The last vaccine group returns to Finland in March.



The premises of the Research Center are leased as workspaces for researchers in various fields. The building has a laboratory, three living rooms with sanitary facilities, an office and a kitchen.

(c) Saana Rossi
(c) Saana Rossi