Avainsana: Antti Sundberg

Soirée finno-africaine at Yes Papa, Cotonou


The idea of organizing a Finnish-African night first saw the daylight during another project of filming a documentary of a famous Beninese musician, Gnonnas Pedro, and his son, Gil Gnonnas.

Gnonnas Pedro was very popular in Benin and performed more than once in the Villa Karo, already at the opening concert. He became famous for his group Africando which regrouped well-known African artists playing salsa from several places, such as Guinea, Senegal and Benin. The music of Africando

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Stipendit keväälle 2013 / Scholarships for Spring 2013


Minulla on kaksi kertaa vuodessa ilo ja kunnia tiedottaa Villa Karon ystävät ry:n myöntämistä uusista työskentelystipendeistä suomalais-afrikkalaiseen kulttuurikeskus Villa Karon residenssiin, Beniniin.

I am privileged to have the bi-annual honor and pleasure of announcing the new scholarship holders of the Finnish-African cultural centre Villa Karo’s residence, in Benin.

Here they are / tässä he ovat:

Eilittä, Leena: kirjallisuudentutkija / researcher in literature

Halonen, Aapo: muusikko / musician

Jauhiainen, Ilpo: muusikko, äänitaiteilija / musician, soundscape artist


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